Louisville, Kentucky

Membership in the AOH

Application Process

The AOH accepts members throughout the year at monthly regular membership meetings. The full membership votes on each new member… Only after you’ve been voted in as a full member (must be Irish by birth or descent, a practicing Catholic, and a male over age 16) can you attend regular membership meetings. Until then, though, join us after our meetings (usually 8:30/8:45) and/or at ANY of our events.

You can apply to be an Associate Member, and are not required to be Irish or Catholic. Benefits vary from those who are Full Members.

The Father Abram J. Ryan Division is happy to announce a newly formed ladies division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. Anyone that might be interested in joining the new division of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians (L.A.O.H.) please contact President of the Louisville LAOH through their website.

Benefits of Membership

Membership Card and Pin grants you admittance to over 126 AOH Divisions and Halls across North America.

Subscription to the bi-monthly National AOH newspaper, The Hibernian Digest.

National Scholarships for members and their families.

Participation in local, regional, and national fraternal organization networking.

Community involvement in dinners, picnics, festivals, parties, sports and theater. An outlet for professional energies and expertise.

An opportunity to experience Irish culture by promoting lectures, films, discussion groups, entertainment, etc.

Activities and programs for the entire family.

Support Your Parade!

To support the Hibernians, the St. Patrick's Parade, and other local charities like Boys & Girls Haven, please follow the link below to donate.

Donate Today!

2019 Parade Float Winners

A little Irish Luck brought a fun albeit rainy parade and a great time was had by all!

2019 Parade Float Winners

Contact Us

Interested in joining, questions about upcoming events, the parade, our charitable works? Or if you want to learn more on how to get involved, please contact us - we would love to hear from you!

Contact Us